3 Office Design Trends Driven By Millennials

by Sarah Landrum via Forbes

Source: Pexels

Source: Pexels

As every other generation has done, millennials take pride in marching to a different kind of beat and wearing different kinds of clothes. Also, it turns out millennials have had an outsized influence on interior design — particularly in the workplace.

We all know the very idea of work is undergoing some fundamental changes right now, changes that seem to include a greater awareness of how an environment’s physical design, including its décor, influences the state of mind of the people who live and work there.

Thanks to an array of studies and surveys, we know design really does have a profound effect on our state of mind. When professionals on LinkedIn responded to a CanvasPop survey, an impressive 77% claimed art makes them feel happier, 74% said it inspired them and 27% indicated pleasing décor improved their productivity.

So let’s get more specific. What kinds of design trends are millennials bringing to the table?