Conversation With…Ryan Heimke of Office Interiors
Ryan Heimke worked in various corporate medical sales and management roles throughout his professional career. He owns several small businesses in Memphis, and in August 2016, Heimke joined Office Interiors as a partner and serves as president of the company.
First job: I worked as a corporate recruiter in Arizona after graduation from the University of Kentucky. It was a fantastic experience because it taught me how to “dial for dollars.”
Education: B.S., Business/Corporate Communications, University of Kentucky
Business philosophy: The best team wins. As a leader, it’s critical to support, encourage and prioritize your staff’s needs before your own in order to foster a loyal and unbeatable team.
Best way to keep competitive edge: We place the highest value on customer service. We recognize that while we certainly have growth goals, providing personalized service to our current customers helps us keep our competitive advantage and build loyalty.