Inspirational office design: A way to retain millennials
by Laura Fries via Linked In
I was recently introduced to the idea of leveraging workplace design as a tool for retaining and recruiting millennial employees when my firm, Baker Tilly, remodeled our offices. Prior to the remodel, employees were surveyed on issues such as privacy, flexibility within a work station, need for social interaction and variety of work spaces. Synthesizing this information — from more than 200 employees — into viable recommendations would be a big job.
You may be asking yourself if it really makes sense to invest in an office renovation to attract and retain millennials. My answer to that is a resounding “yes!”
A recent survey by Steelcase, an office furniture manufacturer, found nearly 90 percent of workers are less than satisfied with their work environment. With the cost of replacing a millennial employee ranging between $15,000 to $20,000, according to Millennial Branding, and with more than one-in-three American workers being a Millennial, reevaluating your current office layout and amenities may provide real benefits.