Why sit-stand desks alone won’t end the risks of sedentary working
via Personnel Today

Sit-stand desks can cut the time spent sitting at work, but the overall goal is more movement throughout the day.
With more than 60 years of evidence on the health impact of sitting for long periods at work, sit-stand desks are being promoted as a solution. Jenefer Fraser looks at the research.
The UK population is about 20% less active than 50 years ago, with this figure looking likely to rise to 35% by 2030. For the first time, individuals must make a cognisant decision to factor physical activity into their lifestyle (Public Health England, 2015).
Technology is becoming an increasingly dominant force in our lives, both at work and at home, while travel is less active, contributing to our decreasing activity levels and increasing waistlines. Clarke (2013) states that the average adult sits for about 300 minutes per day and recommends that the best advice that can be given for a long, healthy and happy life is to spend less time sitting down.
This article aims to consider why sitting down is bad for health, and how we can achieve a reduction in sitting time and the identification of any potential barriers associated with accomplishing this.